You can navigate from this Research tab to other pages dedicated to: explaining my research projects, collecting my pre-print publications in a repository, describing my photovoice projects, and describing my work with research assistants. Below are links to my recent publications, scholarly presentations, and scholarly affiliations.
Williams, Logan. 2020. "Strong Design: Engineers, Marginalized Users and Strong Objectivity." Presented at the 4S-EASST Conference 2020, Prague, Czech Republic, August 21. /4s20/.
Williams, Logan. 2019. "Appropriate technology niches and socio-technical transitions: absences, dissent, conflict and growth" Paper presented in panel at the 10th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, Accelerating sustainability transitions: Building visions, unlocking pathways, navigating conflicts, June 23-26, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada Williams, Logan and Thomas Woodson. 2018. "Targeting Inequality through Science and Innovation Policy: Undone Science, Undone Technology and Inclusive Innovation." Paper presented in panel, How do governance mechanisms for science and technology travel across borders? 2, organized by Noela Invernizzi and Koen Beumer at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science, August 29 to September 1, Sydney, NSW, Australia Williams, Logan. 2014. Questioning Appropriate Technology: Community Ophthalmology NGOs Fighting Avoidable Blindness. Sharper Focus/Wider Lens: Questioning Technology. Michigan State University Honors College. February 3. |